
I’ve written nine books now and I am very proud that they are written well.  Ratings plus the many emails I’ve received tell me that these books are having a tremendous impact in the lives of people all around the world (which is just crazy!).

But not everyone leaves flattering reviews.  Sometimes when I read the review, I’m not sure what the person is trying to tell other readers.

Take, for example, the person who reviewed Jesus Above All with a one-star rating but said “This book is useful for me.  I ordered the book for someone else to use!”  

That’s nothing but an exercise in contradictions.  I appreciate the diligence of the person to review the book, but would like them to read it first – or learn how to assign stars for a good review!

I completely understand the two-star review on Study the Bible that said “Great book but not for my needs… Need a “question” and “answer” format for both testaments…”  

It’s true that the Six Easy Steps study approach won’t work for everyone, and I respect that she was honest enough to say it.  Anyone who read that review would clearly understand why she said it wasn’t for her – and if they wanted the Q&A format, hopefully they would spend their money on something more suitable.

Reviewers can be a lot more pointed however…  This one-star rating on Study the Bible pretty much laid the reader’s thoughts out there. “Don’t waste your money.  Get Kay Arthur’s book instead.

That’s pretty blunt.  I like Kay Arthur, and have done a number of her Precept Studies.  Oddly enough, when I advertise and target her, I get very low results.  So she doesn’t seem to appeal to the same people I do – maybe that was this reader’s problem.  He was really a Kay Arthur reader and not one of mine.

But my favorite review has to be this two-star review.  “Disappointing… Up front, it’s very Christian so if you are jewish I’d find another text. He was at places was kind of insulting, in an ignorant buffoon kind of way, towards Jews. I tried to ignore it but truth be told, there are better books out the on the same information

Honestly I’m lost.  I don’t know how this reader came to this reaction.  It’s not often that I get called an “ignorant buffoon.”  I won’t dispute that this is what they said.  But I know what I intended and what my topics were, and I don’t think I even tried to address anything Jewish.

Why do I bring these review up?

When I set out to write books about Christianity, God and the Bible, I knew that I would encounter people who would not be happy or appreciate what I had done.  Every time I press the “PUBLISH” button, I have a twinge of anxiety for the kind of reaction people will have to the book.

But Jesus said as much when he said that in this life we would see opposition and resistance to our lives and the gospel message we share.  The world hated Him, so it’s no surprise that it opposes us too.

But that doesn’t mean that we curl up and hide.  The truth of the gospel is too good, too powerful, too life-changing.  The world is lost and dark and ruled by the evil one.  We are the light-bearers, and we have the only antidote for all the problems that the world faces day after day.

Being a follower of Jesus means we might take some lumps along the way.  But the prize is worth the pain.

So let me encourage you today.  If you are feeling like the the world is kicking your butt, let me share a few words of Jesus with you:

“Take heart, I have overcome the world.”

You’ve got the all-time Champ in your corner.  There isn’t a person or a thing that can defeat Him.  He loves you and gave you His Spirit to be with you as proof that He hasn’t and won’t forget you.

Take comfort in that.

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