Do you want to practice your Old Testament study Skills?
Follow the Six Easy Steps method for studying the Old Testament and journey through the book of Ruth. Discover the nuggets of biblical wisdom and insight which await.
With a focus on getting set up correctly and following the proper steps, you’ll find that studying God’s Word is accessible and profitable.
This study organizes the study of Ruth into 7 study units:
- Getting Ready – Preparing to study Ruth
- Overview – Setting the context
- Ruth Chapter 1 – Detailed Study
- Ruth Chapter 2 – Detailed Study
- Ruth Chapter 3 – Detailed Study
- Ruth Chapter 4 – Detailed Study
- Wrap-up – Summarizing the book of Ruth
If y0u want to practice the skills you learned in Study the Bible – Old Testament, this workbook is the best way to get started.
Get your copy today!
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